St. Leo Catholic Elementary School
233 Memorial Drive,
Brantford,ON, N3R 5T2
519-759-3314 | Zone: 4

Principal: Shannon Mason
Secretary: Leslie Dawdy
Marie Teskey

Trustee:     Rick Petrella 
                     Bill Chopp

Bell Times
School Start : 8:45am
First Nutrition Break : 10:25am – 11:05am
Second Nutrition Break : 12:45pm – 1:25pm
School Dismissal : 3:05pm

More School Info

St. Leo Catholic Elementary School
233 Memorial Drive,
Brantford,ON, N3R 5T2
519-759-3314 | Zone: 4

Shannon Mason
Leslie Dawdy
Marie Teskey

Rick Petrella 
Bill Chopp

Bell Times
School Start : 8:45 Am
First Nutrition Break :10:25am – 11:05am
Second Nutrition Break : 12:45pm – 1:25pm
School Dismissal : 3:05pm

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Lent Campaign

March 5 - April 17

During the season of Lent, our school, along with our fellow Brantford and Brant County
Catholic Schools will be participating in this year’s Lent 2025 campaign. The purpose of this
campaign is to support our Brant St. Vincent de Paul Society to help meet the needs of our
neighbours in need in Brantford and Brant County.
The Lent 2025 campaign will begin on Ash Wednesday and conclude on Holy Thursday
(March 5, 2025 – April 17, 2025). Collection items, listed in order by priority of need have been
predetermined in conjunction with the Brant St. Vincent de Paul Society. Any assistance you
can provide will be put to great use! Grocery store gift cards are always welcome and allow
Brant St. Vincent de Paul to purchase fresh foods.

1. Food Items (please check Best Before Dates): Peanut butter, evaporated milk,
Chunky soup cans containing beef, pasta sauce, canned fruit, canned fish (e.g., tuna
or salmon), canned meats (e.g., chicken, ham), beans in sauce, tea, canned
vegetables, canned pasta, instant oatmeal, rice and sidekicks (e.g., Uncle Ben’s or
2. Hygiene Products: Soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet
paper, conditioner
3. Warm Winter Clothing (New or Gently Used): coats, mittens, boots

May God Bless your families this Lent. With your help, the Brant St. Vincent de Paul
Society will be able to provide our neighbours in need with renewed hope this Lenten season.


March 5
April 17